Sunday, July 19, 2020

Mark Semple Surrogacy Colombia - How Long Does the Surrogacy Process Take?

Mark Semple Surrogacy - Couples who choose to have a baby through surrogacy often wonder how long the process takes. After all, they are longing to hold the newborn in their arms and can’t wait to welcome the child into their home.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Friday, September 13, 2019

Something about Mark Semple – The President Fertility Solutions International and formerly Passport Medical

Having pursued a Masters degree in Administration, Mark Semple runs his own medical tourism company today. He is the President of Fertility Solutions International, formally Passport Medical and helps various people achieve their dreams of starting a family. Being a member of the ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine), he has created multiple fertility programs around the world.

He meticulously strives to be the best in his field. This is evident from the fact that Passport Medical has sent over 800 patients abroad for a wide range of medical procedures which include fertility, dental care, joint replacement, cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, cancer treatment, and weight loss.

Throughout his career, he has acquired the varied and complicated skills required to be successful in the medical tourism industry. Mark has been a keynote speaker at several conferences on medical tourism. To name a few, let’s start with the Medical Travel International Business Summit, sponsored by ProMed, hosted in San Jose and Guanacaste, Costa Rica, The Taiwan Medical Tourism Summit, the 4th annual World Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Congress, and the Asian Summit on Medical Tourism in China.

Mark has spoken to a large audiences which included insurance representatives and buyers of healthcare. At these conferences, medical providers and healthcare clusters from various countries were represented well. He has been a regular attendee at various medical tourism conferences which include the Men Having Babies conference and the Alternative Parenting Show in the UK.

Passport Medical has been recognized with the ‘Leadership Excellence in Medical Facilitation’ award as the top global medical travel facilitator. The industry is being driven at a rapid pace due to certain factors like prohibitive domestic regulations and the affordability of healthcare in foreign countries.

Since he has struggled with infertility personally, you can rely on him for the best advice and services because he knows how it feels.